Twice, Merithia had blockaded Cape Cadbey, driving it into the depths of despair. The citadel would not survive a third siege. So, Major Winsford created the Royal Boat Service (R.B.S) in 1603, after realising the dire need for an elite naval unit...
Winsford's marines were designed to be resolute and fearless. Guardians loyal to the Kingdom of Cape Cadbey, they would intercept and eliminate enemy ships while providing for the realm, as stated in their moto: intercipere, propulso, prōvidēre. However, his heros lacked a banner.
Legend has it that Winsford sailed out alone to, what is now known as, the islet of Winsford. There, he observed a Merithian armada. Armed with a telescope, he watched a Merithian officer on deck preparing his breakfast: a boiled egg and salt beef, to be precise. Suddenly, a skua seabird swooped down and stole his egg! Amused, Winsford recorded the enemy’s formation and raised the alarm via carrier pigeon. Scribbled at the bottom of his note were the words, “Send the Royal Skuas!”
The Merithian officer should have known better. Cadbey is home to a battalion of skuas - predatory seabirds that steal their take from other birds, no matter their size or strength. Picture the meanest mother of all seagulls: a fearless, feathered beast shaded brown.
The Royal Skuas are no different. They are unwavering. They intercept, eliminate and steal the bounty of other ships. They are fast and agile, dominating their arena. Now they dominate the seas, the Skuas have gained a more sinister nickname, the Night Devils. This follows several raids and land operations, which have sparked controversy back home, since they have taken place in Sundrithia: a supposed neutral state.
Now, the unit's power has been brought into question. 200 years of war has taken its toll, the industrial revolution demands trade, and rumours of Skua brutality, and illegal raids, have spread far and wide. Furthermore, the people, including Skua veterans, wish to see an end to Winsford's law.
The doctrine states that the first born of any R.B.S marine must serve in the unit. The Royal Skuas are a true family, though many of its sailors are orphans or those with nothing to lose. Hence, Admiral Sartorius will not see the law abolished.
Ironically, the Skuas gained their revolvers and fighting techniques from the far reaches of Sundrith. Winsford met many skilled people on his travels, who would lend their knowledge to the endangered Cape, keeping it at the forefront of technological warfare. 200 years later, the Skuas have adopted prototype skimmer assault boats, powered by high pressurised steam and the wonders of hycinthium-lapis. Merithia’s galleons do not stand a chance, though a greater evil threatens all.
And it is up to the Sabres to save all realms. The Royal Skuas of the mothership have been divided into six attack squadrons named after swords: Sabre, Foil, Falchion, Claymore and Rapier. Yes, there is a sixth unmentioned unit: Cutlass Squadron, for the mothership carries six skimmer boats, three either side, named after their squadrons (e.g. HMS Sabre).
So, what became of Cutlass Squadron? Were they a victim of Grenyard's bloodlust? Did they stray too far inland during a raid, never to return? Neither. Their skimmer has simply been decommissioned. After all, these boats are prototypes. Not all have proven to be as fast and reliable as HMS Sabre.
Each squadron is led by an esteemed captain, all of which report to Lieutenant Crawford. Crawford reports to Commander Grenyard, who reported to Vice Admiral Oswald Leonard, who reported to Admiral Alfred Sartorius.
So, now you know what a skua is and how the unit came to be...